Senderos offers many ways for you to see first-hand the impact being made in Guatemala, to experience the unique culture of the Maya people, and to learn more about Guatemala and its history. There is no substitute for first-hand experience, so come travel with us and see the work for yourself.
No matter your age, your experience traveling, or your Spanish language skills, our trips allow you to experience and change the world, and come back changed!
At least once a year, Senderos organizes trips led by David LaMotte and Sarah Robinson that are open to the public and you can learn more about those here. Our next open registration trip is for July 2024. Our dates for 2025 are also set, so please plan to join us July 20-30, 2025! Application available here.
PEG also works with churches, Universities, and private groups to form a trip that can be personalized to highlight certain aspects of our work in Guatemala such as music, women’s issues, or early childhood education. These trips can also have a component of service, though we focus mostly on experiential education and cross-cultural relationship building. To learn more about Senderos putting together a trip for your organization, please read more here.
Thank you for your interest in visiting Guatemala with us! Simply by coming on a trip with PEG, you are supporting our work there, as a portion of your registration will go to fund the projects you visit. If you have further questions, please check out our FAQ, and if your question isn’t covered there, drop a note to Sarah. We are grateful for your interest, and we look forward to knowing you better.