Program Description: Music program providing afterschool instruction to around 65 students for various instruments in a 3-year progression.
Location: El Tejar, Chimaltenango, Guatemala
History: In 2007, LEAF International, PEG Partners (Senderos), and FUNDIT began a partnership in the village of El Tejar, supporting a music program for the small children of the CEDIN school, and also an after school band program for older children. FUNDIT has provided administrative oversight and space for the program, while LEAF and Senderos continue to fund the program itself.
Community enthusiasm for the teen music program built quickly, and it quickly became clear that it would need better space for instruction, rehearsal, instrument storage and performance. The parents of the students in that program, some of whom were impoverished, began to bring building supplies to the school, one bag of cement or cinder block at a time, and eventually, with assistance from another non-profit, they built a music room, complete with a stage, for the school.
Since then, the program has served around 165 students annually, including 90-115 preschool children from CEDIN, ages 4 through 6, and 50-75 primary school, middle, and high school students, ages 7 through 17 years old. The preschool students meet weekly for 45 minutes of instruction where they learned about rhythm by playing simple percussion instruments such as drums, tambourines, bells, triangles, maracas. The older students meet throughout the week for their choice of classes including: marimba, mandolin, guitar, bass, violin, keyboard, and recorder. The program also acquired a donated cello last year, and recently began a marching band program with brass instruments.
Over the years, students from the music program have been invited to the United States to perform at the Lake Eden Arts Festival (LEAF) several times. In 2012, 2017, 2019, and 2023 students from the music program spent 7-10 days in North Carolina, working as artists in residence at local schools and performing on the main stage at LEAF. The experience is a unique opportunity for many students who would otherwise be unable to travel to the US.
Annual Budget: $20,200. Senderos funds 50% to 60% of the program costs each year.